For Qualified Traders Only
“Without data, you’re just another person with an opinion.”
W. Edwards Deming
Plan Comparison
(click below for details)
1 "Coming Soon" products are subject to change.
2 Courses marked as "Added Monthly" will be sent to the member on a monthly basis, tailored to their trading experience. Members with more experience will get more advanced courses when beginning.
Education = Greater Odds
StockOdds™ Education

Learn from the experts! We share our professional trading expertise to help you succeed by providing probability training and coaching that’s designed to improve your stock trading odds. For those willing to learn we not only teach you how to fish, but we hand over the fishing rod, walk you to the pond and stock the pond for you.
Benefit from 20+ years of trading experience, condensed into a series of trading courses. When subscribing to the Membership, new courses will be accessible on a monthly basis, and are designed to guide your journey to becoming a more consistent trader.
What You Will Learn
After you sign up for a membership plan, these courses will be available to you.
Intro Trading Course
The following courses are included in any StockOdds Membership plan.
Advanced Trading Courses
The following courses are included in Advanced and Pro StockOdds Memberships.
As you pass each course assessment, you will gain access to a new course which have video lessons to watch over days or weeks.

Preparing to Trade Course
This course covers a wide range of lessons on how to prepare your trades, from psychology to keeping a trading journal. Like any scenario, the better outcome happens when you are well prepared, including trading.

Trading Your First $1000 Course
A crash course on how to get involved in trading stocks. We will cover the basics of trading, such as diversification, how to deal with volatile markets, and the importance of data. To supplement each of the lessons, learn from real examples of how to plan out potential trades, with profit targets and stops.

Pair Trading Course
In this course you will learn the many aspects of market, macro and long/short equities trading. This knowledge may also help you with trading market instruments other than equities. Explore strategies and methods that serve to lower risk by reducing variance, increasing the trader's opportunity to profit through relationships and the compounding of trades. The instruction you will receive provides a solid framework that could increase your odds of success. Trading as a business or career has had greater sustainability for career professionals as they utilized hedging techniques moving away from absolute market exposure.

Single Stock Trading Course
In this course you will learn the many aspects of trading individual stocks. This knowledge may also help you with trading market instruments other than equities. Explore strategies and methods that give you a better understanding of forming a bias for directional trading. The instruction you receive may assist you in timing trades from key signals, avoiding the fog of the market. Knowledge of the characteristics and insights into behavior of individual stocks can increase your odds of successfully trading other instruments as well.

Gaming Theory & Statistics Course
Learn the many aspects of Gaming Theory & Statistics. There are no certainties in the markets and the participant needs to operate from a probability’s perspective. We will examine the differences between randomness, noise and signals to increase your understanding, change how you think and push you towards a framework that drives compoundable trades having a positive expectation. There are takeaways from games of chance, but trading is not gambling; rather it is probability-based betting.
Pro Trading Courses
The following courses are included in the Pro StockOdds Membership.
Why should I choose a Membership?
What if I want to cancel my Membership?
What if I want to take a certain course?
What People Say About StockOdds™
"In my opinion the availability of global data is extremely valuable to find sustainable edges in quantitative trading."
Fund Manager
"Stockodds and Rob have helped me learn how to trade market neutral, and use seasonality. The almanac is a good reference to my daily discretionary trading plan, and also helps me check systematic algorithmic trading. I believe trading market neutral is one of the best ways to become a consistently profitable trader (CPT), which is ultimately my goal. Stockodds gives the data to trade market neutral more efficiently. "
"Stock Odds helped me to build a profitable trading strategy. It is very powerful."
New Jersey
"Your Database and Interface is a valuable and easy-to-use tool to select trade ideas that fit into my trading style."
"Your database is by far the best out there. It has great predictive power if used properly and is fairly priced. Other databases don't even come close to predicting future alpha. Since I've been using it I have found new ways of approaching my trading."
"I've been using SO DB [StockOdds™ Database] for three months and it is awesome!"
"I have been trading the markets the past couple of years and taken several education courses, but unable to become a consistently profitable. I approached Rob Friesen this past year, with the goal of becoming a profitable trader. He agreed to mentor me, and told me that his vision for me was to be profitable every day, even if it meant as little as a 0.1%/day profit. Rob has been patient mentoring me. He has provided helpful data in StockOdds and created excellent video education, which have been beneficial to learning new strategies. I am enjoying consistent profitability for the first time in my trading career. My portfolio is up 65% to date with his help!"
"StockOdds is an incredibly useful database filled with information you will not find anywhere else! It provides the tools and data to create a durable trading strategy around probabilities and allows you to draw up a trading plan that is resistant to the swings of the market. You can also use the data they provide to complement any trading strategy you already use! Everyone can benefit from the tools they provide.
Best of all is how helpful Rob has been throughout the process. He is out there every day educating the trading community and teaching us how to be better traders. For me personally, he has gone above and beyond to help educate me and get me acclimated to the StockOdds tools.
By sharing his knowledge and creating this incredible database he is making a positive impact on people's lives. Thank you StockOdds!"